منذ 12 ساعة

The Zionist army poked out its tongue to the International Court of Justice by committing a series of massacres against the displaced Palestinans in Rafah and other places in Gaza Strip. Scores of Palestinians, including children and women, have been burned to death.

منذ 12 ساعة
منذ 13 ساعة

#عاجل 🟠🟠 بدأ الاعلام الاسرائيلي الكاذب يروج إلى أن المجزرة ليست بسبب قصف اسرائيلي، انما بسبب اطلاق فاشل لصواريخ، كما نفى مجزرة المعمداني، فكل شيء كان مصور ولحظة سقوط الصواريخ مصورة ولا حاجة للكذب. The false Israeli media began to promote that the massacre was not caused by an Israeli bombing, but rather by a failed rocket launch. It also denied the almamadani hospital massacre, as everything was photographed and the moment the rockets fell was photographed and there was no need to lie.

منذ 4 أيام
منذ 4 أيام
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