
- If you want to change the world, start with yourself.- إن أردتَ تغييرَ العالم، إبدأ بنفسك 🖤.

"الناس يهتمون بما يقال عنهم، ولكنهم لا يهتمون بما يقولون عن أنفسهم."Translation:"People care about what others say about them, but they don't care about what they say about themselves."This quote highlights the importance of self-reflection and introspection. We often worry about what others think of us, but we rarely take the time to examine our own thoughts, words, and actions. By focusing on our own self-awareness, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and make positive changes in our lives.

منذ 8 أيام
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استكشف محتوى ممتع ومشوق

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