منذ شهران
منذ 6 شهور
منذ سنتان

On the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, we stress the following and our children must be taught: (Sderot) is Arabic Hog and Najd (Yad Markhai) is the Arabic Sneed Monastery (Tel Aviv) Tel al-Rabee (Zykim) is Herbie Ashkelon is Ashkelon (Kiryat Malachi) is the Constantine (Breaking) She's Berbera (Erz) is a damra (Kiryat Qad) is Al-Falujah and Iraq Al-Manshiyya (Azriqam) is the western blanket and Beit Daras (Netfout and Be'eri) are the rackets of the Arab Al-Tayaha (Kssoufim and Ain Hashlosha) are Arab Al-Hanarajeh rackets (Narim, Magin, Eshkol and Sofa) Arab Tarabin rackets. (Eilat) is the mother of Rashrash (Ur Shalem) is the Holy House. Copied from the honorable professor, educator A. Ibrahim Fayyad, teacher of the historical studies of northern Gaza.

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استكشف محتوى ممتع ومشوق

انضم لأكبر تجمع للمجتمعات العربية على الإنترنت واستكشف محتوى يناسب اهتماماتك

تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح
لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح