منذ 26 يوم
منذ 4 شهور

“I grew up like a neglected weed, – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it. Then I was not happy or contented.” - Harriet TubmanThe quote "I grew up like a neglected weed, – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it. Then I was not happy or contented" suggests a sense of isolation and a lack of freedom in the speaker's early life. The metaphor of a neglected weed conveys the idea of feeling unnoticed and left to grow without guidance or care.They expresses their ignorance of liberty, indicating that they were unaware of the concept of personal freedom and autonomy. This lack of understanding made them unhappy and discontented during that period of their life.This quote highlights the importance of freedom, both in terms of physical liberty and the knowledge of one's rights and choices. It also reflects the transformation and personal growth that can occur when individuals become aware of their own autonomy and the possibilities it offers. #English #Quote

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