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Praise be to AllaahA medicine Bank is being set up for the poor and deserving patients under Shafique ur Rehman Welfare Trust where these medicines will be provided to these patients free of cost while these medicines will be used in the free medical campus organized under Shafique ur Rehman Welfare TrustFrom all your friends who have medicines in their homes and they are not being used, donate them to Shafique ur Rehman Welfare Trust Medicine Bank. It is possible that these medicines are not working now but someone else is in dire need of it.We request you to share this message with all group pages and your friends so that this message can reach every street neighborhood.PrayShafique ur Rehman Welfare Trust Team.Dr Abdul Rehman Yazdani00923065558435

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منذ سنتان

نداء للمساعدةShafique-ur-Rehman الرفاه الثقة لشعبها ، بما في ذلك الحرم الجامعي الطبي المجاني ، الذين لا يستطيعون تحمل تكاليف الأدوية باهظة الثمن للعلاج بسبب ارتفاع الأسعار.تم إنشاء بنك الطب الذيإلوباثيكالمثليةعشبيجمع الأدوية بحيث يمكن إعطاء أي شخص في حاجة إليها.من جميع الأثرياء والمحسنين لدينا الذين يعانون من وجع القلب. يرجى المضي قدما ومساعدة أولئك الذين ينتظرون مساعدتكم.شراء والتبرع الدواء الذي تحتاجه.أيضًا ، بدلاً من إهدار الأجهزة الطبية التي لا تستخدمها ، قدم لنا الصلوات التي يحتاجونها.شركات فارماريبس الطبيةأو الأشخاص الذين ينتمون إلى شركات الأدوية ينضمون إلينا.انشر رسالة الخير هذه قدر الإمكانتواصل00923065558435

منذ سنتان

Appeal for helpShafiqul-ur-Rehman Welfare Trust for its people, including its free medical campus, who are unable to afford expensive medicines for treatment due to high prices.Medicine Bank has been established in whichElopathicHomeopathicHerbalCollecting medicines so that anyone in need can be given it.From all our wealthy and philanthropists who have heartache. Please go ahead and help those who are waiting for your help.Buy and donate the medicine you need.Also, instead of wasting medical devices that you don't use, give us the prayers they need.Pharma companiesMedical RepsOr people who are affiliated with pharmaceutical companies join us.Spread this message of goodness as much as possibleGet in touch00923065558435

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