هل يُجدي نَفعًا أن تَقول لغريق تَغمُره المياه: تَنَفَّس، أنت أقوى مِن الماء، دون أنْ تَمد يديك إليه تُنقِذه؟ كذلك هو الأمر حين يَكون أحدهم في عُمق مُعاناته بينما أنت تُغدق عَليه عبارات التَحفيز الَّتي تَستفز ألمه. إنَّ حاجته للإنصات والتَفَهُّم بصَمت حينها كحاجه الغَريق لليد. ا/فارس المنصوبIs it useful to say to a drowning person who is submerged in water: Breathe, you are stronger than water, without extending your hands to him to save him? This is also the case when someone is in the depths of his suffering while you shower him with motivational phrases that provoke his pain. His need to listen and understand silently at that time is like a drowning person's need for a hand. T/Faris Al-Mansswb

- أنا لستُ طوقَ نجاة، أنا غريق مثلُك.I'm not a lifeline, I'm a drowning person like you.

منذ 8 شهور

The world is like the sea. There are those who find a calm sea in which they pass peacefully, and among them are those who find a turbulent sea in which the waves crash and the rocks break their ribs, so they escape from drowning, but they emerge shaken and wounded and unable to complete their path, or say it is like a mine area. There are those who pass in peace and among them. Whoever has mines explode near him, if he does not die, he will live a miserable lifeDoes life smile at people like me? How are other people smiling every day? Who is the idiot who said people are born equal? Does anyone born in the midst of mud, war, poverty, and ignorance have a chance to rise up and become someone else? It is true, it is possible, but we call it a miracle.I don't know why I'm writing to you, but it's just thoughts. Sorry for the inconvenience. I see the light starting to come in through the window. I'm going to sleep so as not to see anyone.

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