منذ 3 شهور

🟡 Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Jenin:—With Allah s help and strength, our heroic fighters are engaged in an armed clash with the occupation forces at the Jalameh checkpoint.Al-Aqsa Flood.

منذ 5 شهور
منذ 5 شهور

((He has previously stated and said it publicly that he is a Zionist))It is not strange at all that the American President (Joe Biden) is led by the false, blatant, rotten, and negative Israeli narratives.Because he is a person who does not have any positive outlook as a normal human being, and for this reason I have great compassion for the majority of the American people as long as they are ruled by such a person who loses all feelings, feelings, and morals, unfortunately. The brave, heroic Palestinians are far superior, nobler, and more honorable than him

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