منذ 3 شهور

The clouds have cleared and the sun has spread its rays. A contradictory contrast between the enemy and America. Complete surrender, failure to achieve goals, and the deployment of all the weapons, equipment, technology, and American arsenal the enemy possesses. Al-Bahla’s strategy is an army without experience or strategy, with a presence in an area of ​​five hundred kilometers, seven and eight brigades. There is no significant difference in the refusal of the enemy air force personnel for fear of the trials to exterminate an army half stupid, terror, fear, and love of life. There is no escape from a deal to whiten the prisons, release the prisoners, and leave the Gaza Strip. O men of silver among you, he is in the Paradise of the Most Merciful, and alive, long live.

صوت لاجئين الشتات المشرف
عمر درباس   •   منذ 4 شهور
منذ 4 شهور

🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻غزة ب365 كم مربَّعًا صنعت المعجزات، أعادت صياغة معنى الحرية، وأذاقت المحتل الويلاتلتتعرف أكثر على جغرافيا غزة يرجى متابعة الفيديو التاليGaza, with 365 square kilometers, created miracles, reshaped the meaning of freedom, and made the occupier taste horrors.To learn more about the geography of Gaza, please check the following video.

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