Streptokinase drugدواء من أهم الأدوية المذيبة للجلطات hrombolytic drugsيستخدم فى حالات:▶️ischemic heart disease.▶️Deep Veins thrombosis.▶️Pulmonary embolism.طريقة حل وإعطاء الدواء:◀️يُحل الفيال على 5cm ملح أو جلوكوز 5% بدون رج الفيال وبعدها يتحل ع 100cm محلول جلوكوز 5% أو محلول ملح ويتعطى للمريض على مدار ساعه على سيرنج بامب. لازم تاخد بالك من المضاعفات:◀️لازم تخلى بالك وأنت بتعطى ال Streptokinase للمريض لأن المريض بتاعك ممكن يدخل فى allergic reaction ويدخل كمان فى Shock ف أنت لازم تخلى بالك من الضغط علشان بيوقع الضغط وكمان ممكن يعمل arrhythmia ف أنت مهم جدا تعمل رسم قلب للمريض قبل وبعد إعطاءه.دمتم بخير♥️

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منذ 3 شهور

من زاويا اخرىشايفين دول العالم الكبرىكيف قاعدين يقدموا مقترحاتوشايفين بالمقابل المجاهدون يدرسونها ويتشاورون📷📷📷والعالم كله قاعد على ركبة ونص وهو ينتظر الردّ📷هنا غزةهنا المقاومهشعب غزة العظيم📷وراح يركع📷1Lahda Salem HabashenhAll reactions:

منذ 3 شهور

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."This #quote emphasizes the importance of our reactions and attitudes in facing life's challenges. It suggests that while we may not always have control over the events that occur in our lives, we have full control over how we choose to respond to them. The 10% represents the external circumstances, while the 90% represents our internal reactions and choices.In essence, the quote encourages a positive and proactive mindset. Instead of dwelling on what goes wrong, it prompts us to focus on how we can navigate challenges, learn from them, and grow as individuals. It highlights the power of resilience, optimism, and the ability to turn adversity into opportunity. How we react to life's ups and downs ultimately shapes our experiences and determines our overall well-being.

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."This #quote emphasizes the importance of our reactions and attitudes in facing life's challenges. It suggests that while we may not always have control over the events that occur in our lives, we have full control over how we choose to respond to them. The 10% represents the external circumstances, while the 90% represents our internal reactions and choices.In essence, the quote encourages a positive and proactive mindset. Instead of dwelling on what goes wrong, it prompts us to focus on how we can navigate challenges, learn from them, and grow as individuals. It highlights the power of resilience, optimism, and the ability to turn adversity into opportunity. How we react to life's ups and downs ultimately shapes our experiences and determines our overall well-being.

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