English Zone المشرف
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What is the story of the phrase “women first”?This famous phrase (women first) is always repeated on the lips of men when they offer women to enter any place or do anything else, which brings joy to the heart of the woman or girl because the other party showed her a kind of respect and appreciation, but behind this phrase The famous strange story, and here are its events:This story happened in Italy in the eighteenth century AD, and it says: A young man from a rich family in one of the Italian provinces fell in love with a girl from a poor family who was not of his class. The two agreed to marry, but the young man met with strong opposition from his family, which was forced to threaten him not to marry. Blessings on this marriage, and the pressures grew on the young man and the girl, so they decided that nothing would separate them except pain and death... and for fear of being separated, they decided to commit suicide

Do you think it all momen Started on OCTOBER 7th? 🇵🇸هل ظننت أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر؟ 🇵🇸مجزرة دير ياسين 1948Deir Yassin massacre 1948Tantura Massacre 1948Qibya massacre 1953Kafr Qasim massacre 1956Rafah massacre 1956مجزرة الطنطورة 1948مجزرة قبية 1953مجزرة كفر قاسم 1956مجزرة رفح 1956مجزرة بحر البقر 1970مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا 1982Bahr El-Bakar massacre 1970Sabra and Shatila massacre 1982Khalil massacre 1994Jenin massacre 2002Gaza war 2008Gaza war 2012Gaza war 2014Gaza war 2021Gaza war 2023مجزرة الخليل 1994مجزرة جنين 2002حرب غزة 2008حرب غزة 2012حرب غرة 2014حرب غزة 2021حرب غزة 2023اقرأ عن الإبادة الجماعية للفلسطينيينلقد كرر التاريخ نفسه مرات عديدة على مر العصور 🇵🇸Read about the genocid of the PalestiniansHistory has repeated itself many times throughout the agesDo you still think that it all started on October 7th?هل لازلت تعتقد أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر ؟ 💔🇵🇸 #فلسطين قضيتي #طوفان_الاقصى #باز_يجمعنا

Do you think it all momen Started on OCTOBER 7th?هل ظننت أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر؟مجزرة دير ياسين 1948 Deir Yassin massacre 1948مجزرة الطنطورة 1948Tantura Massacre 1948مجزرة قبية 1953Qibya massacre 1953مجزرة كفر قاسم 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre 1956مجزرة رفح 1956Rafah massacre 1956مجزرة بحر البقر 1970Bahr El-Bakar massacre 1970مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا 1982Sabra and Shatila massacre 1982مجزرة الخليل 1994 Khalil massacre 1994مجزرة جنين 2002Jenin massacre 2002حرب غزة 2008 Gaza war 2008حرب غزة 2012 Gaza war 2012حرب غرة 2014 Gaza war 2014حرب غزة 2021 Gaza war 2021حرب غزة 2023 Gaza war 2023اقرأ عن الإبادة الجماعية للفلسطينيينRead about the genocid of the Palestiniansلقد كرر التاريخ نفسه مرات عديدة على مر العصورHistory has repeated itself many times throughout the agesDo you still think that it all started on October 7th?هل لازلت تعتقد أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر؟

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