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منذ 8 سنوات

Everything has changed. With a single anxious breath, nearly a decade of carefully cultivated muscle memory is dashed, replaced by an entirely new perspective on diving. Seconds before, a reflexive, shallow draw on the mouthpiece should have delivered a blast of cold, compressed air — instead, nothing. Fighting a panicked urge to bolt for the surface, I paused to collect myself, and remembered the words of my instructor: “Pull hard, and trust the unit.” On the second, more-forceful attempt, I hear the regulator fire behind my right ear, and a flow of warm, moist gas satisfies my lungs’ hunger for oxygen. As the breathing loop fills to match the natural capacity of my lungs, I take a moment to acclimate as my heart rate slows. That’s when I begin to appreciate one of the biggest benefits a rebreather brings to diving: quiet. The other important advantages of closed-circuit systems will be revealed during this first checkout dive of my KISS Spirit LTE mCCR certification course. Four feet below the surface on a sunny Grand Cayman sand flat, I’m learning that mastering the KISS requires an open mind and faith in physics.I used to envy rebreather divers. Not only did their gear look exponentially more badass than mine, they also were conspicuously absent during surface intervals, climbing back on board about when the rest of us had finished our second tank. From these strangers I learned the benefits: a blissful lack of bubbles, mind-expanding bottom times and a nearly endless supply of warm, moist air. Yet there were always reasons that kept me from converting — too expensive, too complicated, too risky. As the technology evolved and a new breed of recreational rebreathers emerged, my opinion began to shift. Try-out dives in pools at DEMA and PADI demonstration events continued to tip the scale. When the opportunity arose to get certified on a KISS CCR during an annual gathering of closed-circuit enthusiasts and photographers called Focus, at Grand Cayman’s Cobalt Coast Resort, I didn’t hesitate. I knew that on-site operator Divetech has catered to rebreather divers for years, and that many of its staff are vocal devotees. Plus, the island’s walls offer optimal conditions for this type of diving. It seemed like the perfect immersive training mission.

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مستخدمي باز الأوفياء، نودعكم بتاريخ 30 حزيران 2024

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