منذ 4 أيام
منذ 3 شهور

One of the notable #quotes from Lucy Maud Montgomery's #novel "Anne of Green Gables" is, "Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive—it's such an interesting world." This quote reflects the curiosity and wonder of #Anne_Shirley, the novel's main character. Anne, an imaginative and spirited orphan, expresses her delight in the endless possibilities of learning and exploring the world around her. It embodies the novel's central themes of the beauty of imagination, the importance of seeing the world through a child's eyes, and the joy of discovering new things. This quote resonates with readers as a reminder of the inherent curiosity and enthusiasm that can be found in the simplest of life's wonders.

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