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منذ 4 ساعات

اللواء احتياط في "الجيش" الصهيوني إسحاق بريك: ليس هناك سوى مخرج واحد من المأزق وهو وقف الحربMajor General Reserve in the Zionist Army, Yitzhak Brik: There is only one way out of the impasse, which is to stop the war.

#Urgent: Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell and a “D9” military bulldozer with a “Shawaz” device in the Al-Salam neighborhood, east of the city of Rafah. They destroy the enemy forces penetrating into the Rafah land crossing in the south of the Gaza Strip with mortar shells. #palestine_is_my_cause #gaza

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