منذ 22 يوم

membrane serves as a selective barrier between different phases, such as inside and outside a cell or between two compartments within a cell. Material can cross this membrane through various mechanisms:1. Passive Transport:This involves the movement of substances across the membrane without the input of energy. Diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion are examples of passive transport.2. Active Transport:Active transport, on the other hand, requires energy to move substances against their concentration gradient, specifically from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. Moreover, this process is typically facilitated by protein pumps embedded within the membrane.3. Facilitated Transport:Facilitated transport involves the movement of substances across the membrane with the help of specific carrier proteins, but it does not require energy input. This process helps substances move down their concentration gradient more quickly than simple diffusion.Visit our website:https://pharmatech-rx.com/passive-diffusion/

منذ 22 يوم
منذ 22 يوم
منذ 23 يوم

Granulation is the process where in individual dry powder particles are bound together to form larger multiparticulate structures known as granules.In pharmaceutical applications, these granules typically range in size from 0.2 mm to 4.0 mm, depending on their intended use. Granules destined for tablet production generally fall towards the smaller end of this range (around 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm), while those intended as standalone dosage forms tend to be larger (approximately 1 mm to 4 mm). It’s crucial for granules to possess appropriate mechanical properties. Those meant for use as dosage forms must be durable enough to withstand handling and transportation, while also being able to deform and bond together during compression to ensure the formation of a compact tablet.For more visit our website:https://pharmatech-rx.com/granulation/

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