Descriptive Alt Text

Chapati, also known as roti, rooti, rotli, rotta, safati, shabaati, phulka, chapo, sada roti, poli, and roshi, is an unleavened flatbread originating from the Indian subcontinent and is a staple in India, Uganda, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Caribbean.

المشرف Peter Panduka  • 

Chapati, also known as roti, rooti, rotli, rotta, safati, shabaati, phulka, chapo, sada roti, poli, and roshi, is an unleavened flatbread originating from the Indian subcontinent and is a staple in India, Uganda, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Caribbean.

منذ 6 شهور


منذ 6 شهور


منذ 6 شهور


تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح
لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح