
Boopin Dubai is excited to announce that we're expanding our team! We're currently looking for:1️⃣ Account Manager - Social Media2️⃣ Multimedia Designer3️⃣ Content Creator (has background in Videography/Editing)Please only apply if you are currently in the U.A.EFeel free to share or tag someone who might be a great fit!Send your CV and portfolio to #باز_يجمعنا #البازيين_الاصليين #وظائف

وظائف اليوم
المشرف Ashour Ramadan  • 
منذ 6 شهور


منذ 6 شهور

how I can apply to this job account manager. social media?

تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح
لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح