
"one side is hiring actors and producing skits about how theyre the victims and the other is holding up their dead children begging the world to look"

Ahmed Elshal
منذ 6 شهور

and sadly, this skit has been working for over a100 years..and even though they know they're lying and we know they are lying but with their power they can show otherwise , so lets say that their evil plans don't work for once ; exactly like whats going on right now !! guess what ? basically they still don't give a damn because again the are supported by the whole world socially and more important economicly.

منذ 6 شهور

Ahmad Shawqiربنا يخلصنا منهم قريبا وينصرنا وينصر أهلنا ومجاهدينا ومن نصرهم.. ويخذل من خذلهم اللهم آمين آمين.

تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح
لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح