
I have active police case and travel banned , I have this case because it's financial case and I tried many time to solve it but they asked for full outstanding one shot payment, I lost my job in turkey the last summer because I get back to Jordan for vacation and I found myself on travel banned list . I have been jailed on 2020 for 90 days for this case and they reported me again and I am wanted plus the police case for 14 days minimum after COVID-19 they changed the execution time as per the amount, anyway I have old mother and a brother with mental issues and we follow up with a doctor for both of them , and my sister with her sweet daughter .I can bring evidences as per the request, thanks all and god bless you, be safe .Paypal account ( )Majdi

Majdi Samarah
منذ شهران

الذي يحب التواصل معي لاي إثبات أو إجراء لا تترددوا ، الوضع صعب وخطير واول مرة اعمل هيك بالطريقه لكن بدون حلفان الاردن كثير صعبه وعندي التزامات

تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح
لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح