منذ سنتان

و إن سألوك عَن عشق الروح قل :‏أن تشعر أنك تتنفسهُ و أنت لا تراهو أن تراه و أنت بعيدا جدا عنه ....‏أن تغمرك رائحة عطره و هو ليس بقربكأن تشعر بدفئ ذراعيه كلما زاد شوقك له‏أن تلمسك و لو كلمة منه فـتشعرك بالأمان‏أن تختلط روحك بروحه كلما هب نسيم عشقه‏أن تشعر بخفقان قلبه دون أن تلمس يديهفـمن يتقن إحتواء الروحيبقى بالروح حاضرا في عز الغياب.

منذ سنتان
منذ سنتان

They asked me one day who is my love, so my heart beat faster and my tongue was unable to speak, how can I describe to you my love and beauty, my love is not like humans, but an angel from the moon, my love, my spoiled child, but with her love, any woman overcomes her kindness, beauty, innocence, the innocence of her heart, the magic of her eyes and the purity of her laughter, my love. I adore her words, her speech and her whispers, as well as her silence that fills my heart with longing for her, my love. You knew who my love is. I don't think you will know her as I knew her. Everything you told about her is a chapter of her book, a book, although it is open and innocent, but it is full of riddles, the mysteries of love, warmth, tenderness and innocence. My love is my love, my soul, my love, and my hope in life. And the moon and dreams When I remember her talk, she is a rose whose perfume does not leave her, and her leaves do not wither, O world, who is my love, this is my loveIntended for you

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منذ سنتان
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