منذ 3 شهور

I will write on the entrance to my house, “Every visit is an assault,” or “Have mercy on me, do not enter,” or “All faces worry me,” or “Always absent,” or “Cursed is he who knocks on the door,” or “I don’t know anyone,” or “A dangerous lunatic.”

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#TheRealCharlieChaplin A documentary about Chaplin based on Life magazine in 1966. 🚩 This is really crazy and confirms that the unwritten leads you to the abyss above 500 days for only one scene to master until he gave up on the actress. 🚩 A great, persistent person who is capable of his tools and is fully aware of what touches people because he is a human being before the artist Hitler and Chaplin were two faces similar in shape and in the masses' love for them and immortalized by history, but one of them is cursed by history and the other by history bends to his humanity. He is the silent man who His voice fears politics, and at the same time, even presidents and heads of state wish to meet him. Like Chaplin, he needs a woman as a housewife so that she, as a nation, is a housemaid for him. This is what was lacking in his relations: “In this life no one can become a thing without crowds.” Nice montage sequence in the narrative of events. 8.5/10

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