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عاجل #dio The shit for me is bullying التنمر يمكن أن يكون بأشكال مختلفة، بما في ذلك السب والقذف اللفظي، التهديدات، العنف الجسدي، العزلة الاجتماعية، وانتشار الشائعات الكاذبة. يعاني الأشخاص الذين يتعرضون للتنمر من تأثيرات سلبية على مستوى الصحة النفسية والعاطفية والاجتماعية. فقد يعانون من القلق والاكتئاب، وانخفاض التقدير الذاتي، وصعوبات في التواصل والعلاقات الشخصية

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The idioms we've discussed in today's voiceroom :a hot potatoMeaning: a controversial issue or situation that is awkward or unpleasant to deal with.Example: The subject of bullying and fighting in my school is a hot potato. piece of cakeMeaning: something that is easy to doExample: Learning English is a piece of cake as long as you do it with our website. once in a blue moonMeaning: very rarelyExample: I go to visit my grandfather only once in a blue moon; he lives in a remote farm house. a bed of rosesMeaning: easy optionExample: Taking care of my younger sister is no bed of roses; she is very silly. miss the boatMeaning: miss the chance.Example: Peter wanted to enter the drawing competition, but he was too late to enter, and he missed the boat. apple of eyeMeaning: someone very precious or dearExample: Every kid in the world is the apple of their parents' eye(s).zip your lipMeaning: to stop talkingExample: I don't want to hear another sound out of you. Now do as you're told and zip your lip.deep in kneego to fly a kitethe paper ate him/ herfind your feetto put yourself in someone's shoes make a call in a big wide phone

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مستخدمي باز الأوفياء، نودعكم بتاريخ 30 حزيران 2024

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