منذ 15 يوم

#gazagenocide 📍 For media coverage:We invite you to cover a "Thank-you Vigil" in support of university students around the world who stand in solidarity with our Palestinian people against the genocide waged by the Israeli occupation.◼ Day: Wednesday; May 1st 2024◼ Time: 5:30 pm◼ Location: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital◼ Note: The vigil will include speeches in Arabic and English languages, and English speakers will be present for foreign media.Government Media Office

منذ 25 يوم

l love studying many languages ​​because I meet many people from different countries and I do not know how to communicate with them, but laziness and loss of passion are stronger than me. 😔I Self-motivation and encouragement must help to take the step

☑️☑️"Mastering Phrasal Verbs: Unveiling the LOOK Series!"☑️☑️☑️☑️Ever wondered about the different meanings of "look" when combined with other words? Here's a breakdown to clear things up! 🌟☑️☑️☑️Look at: 👀 Directing your gaze towards something. Example: "Look at the beautiful sunset!"☑️Look after: 🤗 Taking care of someone or something. Example: "I need to look after my little sister while my parents are away."☑️Look up: 📚 Searching for information or finding something. Example: "I'll look up the recipe online."☑️Look for: 🔍 Searching with the intention of finding something. Example: "I'm looking for my keys; have you seen them?"☑️Look forward to: 😊 Anticipating something with excitement. Example: "I'm looking forward to our vacation next week!"☑️Understanding these differences can help you communicate more effectively! 🚀☑️ ☑️ #EnglishLearning #PhrasalVerbs #LanguageSkills 📖 Learn English with #Mr. Mahmoud Fathy GaberMy best wishes ❤️ ❤️

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استكشف محتوى ممتع ومشوق

انضم لأكبر تجمع للمجتمعات العربية على الإنترنت واستكشف محتوى يناسب اهتماماتك

تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح
لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح لقد تم ارسال الرمز بنجاح