Sumerian perfume, also...
Sumerian perfume, also...
Sumerian perfume, also...
Sumerian perfume, also...

Sumerian perfume, also known as Sumerian "kyphi," was a fragrant and aromatic substance that was used for both religious and personal purposes in ancient Sumeria (modern-day Iraq) around 3,500 BCE. The perfume was typically made by combining various natural ingredients, such as resins, oils, and herbs, using a complex and carefully crafted recipe.Some common ingredients used in Sumerian perfume included myrrh, frankincense, cedarwood, calamus, cinnamon, honey, and wine.

Manaf Aboud

Sumerian perfume, also known as Sumerian "kyphi," was a fragrant and aromatic substance that was used for both religious and personal purposes in ancient Sumeria (modern-day Iraq) around 3,500 BCE. The perfume was typically made by combining various natural ingredients, such as resins, oils, and herbs, using a complex and carefully crafted recipe.Some common ingredients used in Sumerian perfume included myrrh, frankincense, cedarwood, calamus, cinnamon, honey, and wine.

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