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Dearly I yearn for my mother’s bread,My mother’s coffee,Mother’s brushing touch.Childhood is raised in me,Day upon day in me.And I so cherish lifeBecause if I diedMy mother’s tears would shame me.Set me, if I return one day,As a shawl on your eyelashes, let your handSpread grass out over my bones,Christened by your immaculate footstepsAs on holy land.Fasten us with a lock of hair,With thread strung from the back of your dress.I could grow into godhood

Arwa Palestine

Dearly I yearn for my mother’s bread,My mother’s coffee,Mother’s brushing touch.Childhood is raised in me,Day upon day in me.And I so cherish lifeBecause if I diedMy mother’s tears would shame me.Set me, if I return one day,As a shawl on your eyelashes, let your handSpread grass out over my bones,Christened by your immaculate footstepsAs on holy land.Fasten us with a lock of hair,With thread strung from the back of your dress.I could grow into godhood

منذ شهر

احن الى خبز امي وقهوة امي ولمسة أمي

تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح تم نسخ الرابط بنجاح
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